Surprise! Today was supposed to be a cover reveal day, but you win some and you lose some in the high-stakes world of indie distribution timelines. So instead, I hope you'll all accept this consolation prize: the first, never-before-seen-outside-of-my-writing-group chapter of AN INFINITE PULL--exactly as it will be printed once my file finally gets processed by the distributor. If it doesn't get processed by the distributor, hope you guys are cool reading the book on my dying website, one screenshotted page at a time.
Since I started writing a book most frequently pitched as "The Little Mermaid in space, if it were produced by Studio Ghibli, with the aesthetic of Treasure Planet," I've known that I wanted the first pages to feel like the prologue of a Disney movie--the stained glass opening of Beauty and the Beast, the sweeping orchestration of Hunchback, or even the foreshadowing storybook narration of Treasure Planet itself. Though much changed from draft to draft, the following story--about a monster, and a girl who wandered too far--has remained the heartbeat.
Without further preamble, please enjoy a special sneak peek of AN INFINITE PULL's prologue (featuring beautiful formatting and borders by Rena Violet).

AN INFINITE PULL releases May 14, 2024. Make sure you're following @tay_simonds on Instagram for sneak peeks, character art, music, cover and interior reveals, and more!<3